BeltLine Business Façade Improvements
Applications open now- June28th
Dear BeltLine Businesses,
Get a fresh look and boost your business with the Atlanta BeltLine's Business Façade pARTnership Grant!
This exciting program provides grants of up to $50,000 to BeltLine-area businesses for façade improvements designed and implemented by talented local artists and makers.
Here's how you can benefit:
Attract new customers and investment: A revitalized façade will grab attention and showcase your proximity to the vibrant Atlanta BeltLine.
Stimulate business growth: The grant covers a significant portion of your façade improvement costs, freeing up resources for other areas of your business.
Support the local art community: Partner with a local artist or maker to create a unique and eye-catching design.
Key Dates:
- Application Window: Now - June 28th - Submit your application to be considered for a grant.
- Awardees Notified: July 12 - Businesses are selected and notified
Don't miss out on this chance to enhance your business and contribute to the artistic vibrancy of the BeltLine!
Click here to learn more and apply.